Ticket Policy

The following criteria regarding football ticket acquisition are mandated by OSUAA, and must be followed by The Ohio State University Alumni Club of the Sacramento Valley (Club). OSUAA does not guarantee ticket availability to any regular season or bowl game to any local club, even if these criteria are met.

Who is eligible to apply for / obtain tickets from OSUAA through our Club allocation?
Active members who are current dues-paying members of OSUAA and the Club

• Active member is defined in Article III of the Club Constitution, and includes all graduates of the University.

–Associate Members who are officers or current board members. Associate Member is defined as one who was a life or annual member of OSUAA as of July 1, 2012, regardless of graduation status.

–To be considered current, dues must be received by the Michigan game to be eligible for bowl tickets for that season.

Who is NOT eligible to apply for/ obtain tickets from OSUAA through our Club allocation?

• Any associate member of OSUAA or the Club, who is not an officer or board member
• Any member who receives tickets through the OSUAA lottery or through other sources to the game the Club is allocated.
• Any alumnus who has season tickets (whether in their name or their spouse’s name) through any source (President’s Club, Buckeye Club, Faculty/Staff, Longtime Season Ticket holder, Student, Varsity O, Suite Holders, PSL seat holders), neighbors, friends and family members.

Why does an alumnus need to be a member of OSUAA and the Club?

The tickets that OSUAA receives to accommodate the block of tickets for our Club comes from the general alumni allotment, as defined by the Athletic Council. It is possible that a dues-paying member of OSUAA could be denied his/her application if the demand exceeded the supply. Thus we cannot have tickets going to non-dues paying alumni or friends of the club. Therefore, tickets can only be offered to current dues-paying members of the Club and OSUAA.

Is there an exception?


Why are alumni limited to two tickets?

The goal of Club allocations from OSUAA is to maximize the opportunity for the greatest number of alumni to attend the event and to recognize Club volunteers. Thus, the policy of only one application and a maximum of two tickets per household is allowed, even if both spouses are individual members of OSUAA or the Club.

What is the priority for ticket distribution to eligible Club members?

• Elected officers and Board members are guaranteed 2 tickets per household if sufficient quantity is available from OSUAA. A lottery will be held if Board member demand exceeds allocation, and in that instance none will be available to other Club members.

• Remaining tickets will be available for Club members in good standing as defined in OSUAA criteria. If demand exceeds allocation, a lottery will be held as follows:

– Each eligible member household will get 1 chance for a limit of 2 tickets.

– One additional chance will be given to club members for each of the following, up to a maximum of 4 chances.

1. Donating a minimum of $25 in the current year to the Club Scholarship Fund.

2. Attending the Holiday Reception or one other Club event in the current year.

Lottery Process. The lottery will be announced by e-mail and/or regular mail, and will be held at a public place with time/location made known so that interested Club members may attend/witness. Winners will be notified by e-mail and published on the Club website. In addition to the lottery winners, three alternates will be drawn, in the event a winner is unable to use the tickets as defined in OSUAA policy. Payment must be made within 5 working days of the lottery announcement.

Can the Club sell extra tickets from our allocation to anybody?

If extra tickets remain after the deadline for response, the following procedure will be followed, in order:

1. Check with OSUAA office to see if any other groups need tickets.
2. Write or email registered attendees to see if anyone would like additional tickets.
3. Fill reservations of those alumni who do not meet the criteria.
4. As a last resort, check with OSUAA to see if tickets can be sold at their front desk on game day.

Can we auction off a pair of tickets from our allotment?

No. The tickets we receive cannot be used to raise money for the Club. This might be an easy way to raise money for the Club Scholarship Fund, but the block of tickets received is to enhance the event attendance.

What tickets can be raffled or auctioned?

Any personal tickets that alumni donate can be used in silent auctions or raffles.

Failure to adhere to these policies may result in disqualification from future OSU event ticket purchases. A non-reimbursed bounced check or scalping of the tickets will automatically disqualify the member from obtaining tickets from all future OSU event tickets.

Approved June 10, 2014, by the Board of Governors of The Ohio State University Alumni Club of the Sacramento Valley.