Article I – Name
The name of this organization is The Ohio State University Alumni Club of the Sacramento Valley (hereafter referred to as the ‘Club’).
Article II – Objective
The Club is formed to promote the advancement of the best interests of The Ohio State University (hereafter referred to as the ‘University’) and The Ohio State University Alumni Association, Inc. (hereafter referred to as the ‘Association’) by providing fellowship and the furtherance of professional relationships among alumni, friends, and former students of the University. It shall be an integral part of the Association, the official alumni organization of the University. The Club will also promote and support the mission of the Association.
Article III – Membership and Dues
Section 1. All persons who hold degrees awarded by the University including associate, bachelor, graduate, professional and honorary degrees, or are medical resident graduates of the University are eligible for membership in the Club, may serve as an officer and on the Board of Governors and can vote on matters of the Club.
Section 2. All persons who were in good standing as dues-paying members as of July 1, 2012, as either Life Members or Annual Members of the Association, but do not hold a degree from the University, are eligible to hold office, may serve as a committee member, and are eligible to vote on matters of the Club as determined by the Board of Governors of the Club.
Section 3. Other individuals, who by their interest and activity have distinguished themselves by their work for the Club, may be entitled to honorary membership by special action of the Board of Governors of the Club. Honorary members may not hold office. The Board of Governors shall determine if honorary members are allowed to vote on matters of the Club.
Section 4. Such non-alumni who express an interest in membership in the Club may be granted associate membership in the Club. Associate members may not hold office. The Board of Governors shall determine if associate Members are allowed to vote on matters of the Club.
Section 5. Dues may be established by the Board of Governors.
Section 6. Membership in good standing is defined as having membership dues paid for the current year.
Article IV – Officers
Section 1. The officers of the Club shall consist of at least a president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer, all of whom must be Active Members in the Association.
Section 2. The duties of the officers shall be such as are generally exercised by such officers, and such as may be assigned to them respectively by the Board of Governors of the Club from time to time.
Article V – Duties of Officers
Section 1. President: The president shall preside at all meetings of the Club, shall serve as the chairperson of the Board of Governors of the Club and ex officio member of all committees, shall become familiar with alumni club resources and shall attend or assign a designee to necessary training workshops.
Section 2. Vice President or President-Elect: The vice president or president-elect shall assist the president. In the absence or disability of the president, or at his or her request, the vice president or president-elect shall perform the duties of the president. If the office of president becomes vacant, he or she shall become president for the unexpired term.
Section 3. Secretary: The secretary shall have the custody of the names and addresses of the alumni in the area provided by the Association and shall record all changes, immediately notifying the Association of any additions or corrections to the list. The Club shall not release the list for political, commercial or personal gain. Release of the list shall be made only on approval by the Association; subject to the constitution of the Association. Any person(s) in violation of this policy shall be subject to expulsion from office by the Board of Directors of the Association. The secretary shall arrange to send out notices of regular or special meetings of the Club and shall send reports of all meetings and activities of the Club to the Association. He or she shall assist the president of the Club.
Section 4. Treasurer: The treasurer shall supervise all receipts and expenditures of Club funds. If dues are charged, he or she shall collect and disburse them subject to the approval of the Board of Governors of the Club. As requested, the treasurer shall complete and submit annual financial forms to the Association. Additionally, he or she shall complete and submit any documents that may be required by the Internal Revenue Service. He or she shall assist the president of the Club.
Article VI – Board of Governors
Section 1. The Board of Governors,all of whom must be Active members of the Association, shall consist of:
a. The above-named officers.
b. The chairpersons of the standing committees as defined in Article VIII.
c. The immediate past president of the Club
d. As many additional members as the local club may choose to elect.
e. The president/CEO of the Association or his or her designee as an ex officio member, without a vote.
f. A student representative selected by the Board to serve as an ex officio voting member
Section 2. The Board of Governors shall have full power to fill all vacancies.
Section 3. The Governance of the Club and the direction of its activities shall be vested in the Board of Governors.
Section 4. A meeting of the Board of Governors must be called by the president of the Club upon written request of three members of the Board of Governors.
Section 5. The Board of Governors shall hold at least two meetings a year and others at the discretion of the President.
Article VII – Membership Meetings
Section 1. At least one member meeting must be held each year. Failure to comply with this provision shall make the Club charter subject to revocation by the Association.
Section 2. There shall be such other meetings each year as the president, with the approval of the Board of Governors of the Club, deems desirable.
Section 3. The president of the Club must call a meeting upon the written request of ten members of the Club. Upon failure of the president to call such a meeting within ten days of such request, the meeting may be called by any other officer or member of the Board of Governors, or by the ten petitioning members. In such instance, the president/CEO of the Association or designee shall be notified and shall send due notice of the time, place and purpose of the meeting to all members of the Club.
Section 4. Where this constitution fails to provide authority for procedure, Robert’s Rules of Ordershall be used.
Article VIII – Committees
Section 1. The President of the Club shall appoint the following standing committees with the approval of the Board of Governors:
a. Meetings &Programs: It shall be the function of this committee to organize the meetings of the Club; plan the program; obtain the publicity for them; and to arrange notification by mail, electronic means, or phone to the Club.
b. Membership: It shall be the duty of this committee to check the names of those eligible for membership with the Club and to use all means possible to encourage non-members to do their share in furthering the interests of the University by joining the Club. This committee shall work closely with the Secretary in maintaining an accurate list of the names and addresses of the alumni, former students, and other supporters of the Association and the University in the Club area. The committee will also encourage alumni to become Active Members of the Association whenever possible.
c. Student Recruitment and Scholarship: This committee shall serve as the communication link between the Director of Student Recruitment and the Club. The committee shall become familiar with alumni student recruitment resources, Admissions Office brochures, and attend necessary training workshops and update sessions. It shall be the duty of the committee to distribute scholarship applications, literature and entrance forms to local high schools and outstanding students ready for college. The committee shall be responsible for screening and interviewing applicants for Club scholarships and make recommendations for Club scholarship award winners to the Board of Governors of the Club.
Section 2. The president of the Club, with the approval of the Board of Governors, shall appoint such additional committees as in the president’s judgment the interests of the Club may require, and may prescribe the duties of such committees.
Articles IX – Elections
Members of the Board of Directors shall be elected by a majority vote each year at the annual member meeting and shall hold office until their successors have been qualified and elected. Elections will be held at the annual meeting to replace board members whose terms have expired as defined in the Club bylaws.
Article X – Bylaws
The Club is permitted to establish bylaws at any regular Board meeting of the Club, a quorum being present, by a two-third vote of all board members present, provided that notice of such proposed bylaw shall provided via email, electronic means, or phone to each board member at least ten days before such meeting. No amendment or addition to the bylaws can be made which is not in harmony with the Club constitution or is contrary to the constitution of the Association.
Article XI – Adoption
This constitution shall be officially adopted upon its approval by a majority vote of the members of the local Club in attendance at any regular or special meeting of the Club. It shall take effect upon the granting of a charter by the Board of Directors of the Association authorizing its functioning as an official alumni club of the University.
Article XII – Amendments
This constitution may be amended by a majority vote of members of the local Club in attendance at any regular or special meeting. No amendments shall take effect until duly approved by the Board of Directors of the Association.
Approved by majority vote of the Club Board of Governors on June 10, 2014, a majority vote of the Club members on July 17, 2014, and by the Association Board of Directors on February 13. 2015.