Message from the President:
Aug 22, 2024Hi, Buckeyes!
I am honored to be serving as the president for Student-Alumni Council this year. The Ohio State University is such a special school, and having the opportunity to give back with such an incredible group of people has made my time here even more meaningful.
As an organization, Student-Alumni Council’s mission is to connect Buckeyes — past, present and future. Whether this means welcoming members of the Ohio State community back home during Homecoming Week, or feeling the comradery as we come together to beat That Team Up North at Rivalry Rally, we find ways to focus on the spirit and tradition of Ohio State.
Being a graduate of Ohio State has so much to offer and we hope to inspire students to connect now, as well as become engaged alumni later. With each of our different initiatives, our number one priority is ensuring that ALL students feel welcomed and valued by SAC and The Ohio State University Alumni Association.
It is the uniqueness of our organization that allows for us to connect students and alumni together while promoting the importance of inclusivity, community and passion. As a service-based organization, we are looking forward to our continued support for the university we love. We are well equipped with extremely energetic and driven members who are constantly striving to grow as leaders and as people. We are so excited to keep enhancing the college experience, and cherishing what it means to be a Buckeye for life.
In the SAC spirit,
Abby Spangenberg
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