
Alumni Club of Greater Jacksonville Scholarship Program

Our club is proud to have offered multiple merit-based scholarships to our local students. The award will typically be from $500-$2,000 depending on the availability of funds. The number of awards may also vary. This money comes from the proceeds from yearly dues, game watches, donations, and other fundraising activities.

Preference will be given to those students qualified under the Alumni Scholars Program criteria. Payment will be made to the student’s account at the Ohio State University and dispersed evenly one time each semester (Autumn/Spring) per school year.

Returning students are eligible to renew their scholarship for their four years (eight consecutive semesters) provided they meet the requirements, and funds are available.


Entering Freshmen:

  • Graduate of an accredited public or private high school in the local northeast Florida area
  • High achieving Honors student actively involved in the community
  • Full-time status

Currently Enrolled Upper Classmen:

  • Meets all of the above Entering Freshmen criteria
  • Resident of local counties
  • Maintain good academic status with the university/ 3.0 GPA
  • Consecutive enrollment in Autumn/Spring semesters


ScholarshipUniverse simplifies the process of finding and applying for internal and external scholarships at Ohio State. This platform hosts all alumni club scholarships. Apply and/or update your profile each year by The Ohio State University priority date for maximum aid consideration.

Log in to ScholarshipUniverse using your Ohio State username (lastname.#) and password. Need instructions for activating your username? Contact Buckeye Link, 614-292-OHIO, for assistance.


Scholarship and Recruitment Chair

BuckeyeLeaf-Veins-Scarlet-RGBHEX-e1464369572397Did you know a donation to the Alumni Club of Greater Jacksonville Florida Scholarship Fund will count towards a $75 sustaining membership in the Ohio State University Alumni Association? Learn more about a sustaining membership!