Timelines and deadlines
- When to submit event materials to count towards Scarlet/Gray status
- Within 30 days after the event concludes
- When to submit a Workfront request for CarmenZoom support from OSUAA
- 30 days or more before the event takes place
- When to submit a Workfront request for an email to be sent
- 2 weeks/10 business days before you would like the email sent
- When to submit a Workfront request for a website update
- 3 business days before you would like the item added to the website
- When to submit a Workfront request for a postcard/mailing
- 6 weeks before you would like the postcard to be in the constituent’s mailbox
OSUAA Contact
- When to send an email to your OSUAA rep for logo/merchandise approval on club items, knick-knacks, giveaways, t-shirts, etc.
- 30 days before the production of the product
- When to request a speaker for your upcoming event
- at least 3 months before the event is scheduled
- When to send updated annual membership rosters
- Before June 30 (end of the fiscal year)
- Note: Only alumni groups who collect their own dues must submit annual membership rosters. Does not apply to OSUAA donation-based membership groups.
- When to send updated board rosters
- Within 30 days after the latest election
- Be sure to file your 990-N to maintain non-profit status on an annual basis
- By May 15 for those whose fiscal year on December 15
- By November 15 for those whose fiscal year ends on June 30